Last Update: 15 Oct 00
Is this site deserving of *your* award? If so, please E-mail me to let me know how to apply for it!
Is your site deserving of *my* award? If so, why not apply for it?
This page begins the presentation of the 198 various and sundry awards that have been presented to this site so far. First up are the 33 major awards this site has received.
A "major award" is defined as an award which is either, (1) Rated at 4.0 or higher by Focus Associates, (2) Rated as one of the "World's Top Web Site Awards" or similarly lauded, and/or (3) An award from a highly-regarded, richly-awarded, and high-content site that is difficult to win.
Awards are shown in reverse chronological order of receipt. (For those of you in Rio Linda, that means that the newest awards are shown first.) Select the "Go to next Awards page" link at the bottom of this page to begin viewing all other awards presented to this site.
(To see a text-only listing of awards, go to this page.)
All awards are linked back to the awarding site. Please visit these sites and support excellence on the Internet!

[20 May 00]
Congratulations! Your site has been evaluated and has qualified for Divinity Design's Light of the Web: Torch Award. |

[27 Apr 00]
We are aware of the time and effort that goes into creating a successful web presentation. First of all, we thank you for your invitations to your site and the opportunity to review it. Your website was reviewed by one or more of our evaluators, and it gives me great pleasure to present you with our MAESTRO AWARD OF EXCELLENCE!
All applications we receive are evaluated according to our guidelines on the following subject areas. A sample of our scoring sheet is available on our website: (Maximum per subject: 20 - Your scores appears in brackets)
(14) Basic Functionality
(15) Presentation & Design
(16) Content
(16) Innovation & Technology
(14) Value, Ethics and Professionalism
Evaluators Notes:
A well structured, comprehensive and interesting website! You must have been some places :-)
You've received one of the finest awards currently available on the internet today. We hold full membership at CEM (Code of Ethics Membership). MAESTRO AWARDS are currently Rated 4.0 at Focus Associate's Awards Sites! You are welcome to publish our rating on your website. |

[19 Apr 00]
Congratulations, you have won my "I.Q. Award". I was looking for an excellent content, which was also educational and interesting, and found all that in your Philosophy of Life Section. Your articles are very well described and your opinions are very well explained.
Although I do not agree with some of your points of view I enjoyed reading all of them. I found it very interesting how well you explained how you see things, and a lot of times I had to laugh, because what you wrote was so true (but only a few admit it...). I'm pleased with your honest presentation of your own thoughts!
Again, congratulations on a great selection of your Philosophy of Life.
Thanks for applying!!! It was a great pleasure to review your sites! |

[18 Apr 00]
You have won the Beacon Award for Night Owl Mk II. Your site scored 96 out of a possible 100 points on our rating scale. I see that your site has already won many awards. You deserve them. A site that encourages free discussion on important issues is to be commended and encouraged.

[03 Apr 00]
Your Web Site, Night Owl Mk. II, has been awarded the PANDAS PRIDE Bronze AWARD
Your site has an interesting concept. Obviously well used as well. Well done!
You have successfully impressed us with your site at the level that few sites can do, so in honor of that we are awarding you with our Pandas Pride Bronze Award. Know that you have, in our opinion, put together a site that would fit into the top 25% of all web sites worldwide. Display our award with pride! Everything You Need to Know About the Giant Panda© is proud to have you on our winners list; we are aware that you have worked hard to create your web site and to produce the standard of quality our criteria demands. |

[20 Mar 00]
Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you the Superb! Website 100 Award! To qualify for this prestigious award, a site must have already won over 100 other awards, including one or more of the World's Top Awards, which is very difficult to achieve. Your site meets this criteria, and you have earned a Superb! Website 100 Award. Please wear it with pride for only the best websites will qualify for this award!
Again, congratulations on winning the Superb! Website 100 Award. You have created an outstanding website, one that is widely recognized for its excellence, and the Internet is better place because of your talent and efforts! |

[18 Mar 00]
Hello and congratulations!
Your Web site, "NIGHT OWL MK. II," is being recognized with the Dr. Matrix Award for Science Excellence from "Dr. Matrix' Web World of Science" - science exploration site of The Scientium ( "NIGHT OWL MK. II" is also being honored with prominent display as a select site with the categories: Culture & Philosophy, Human Studies, Exploration and Reference.
Sites receiving this award are distinguished by the quality of their content alone. A flashy Web site will not receive this award if its content lacks interest and integrity. A simple Web site will receive this award if it serves the interests of discovery, mental enrichment and thoughtful enjoyment. This award doesn't go to "cool" sites. It goes to the great sites. It's not a daily or weekly award, but an award based on presence, here and now. It is given in gratitude, with no other request but that you keep doing what you're doing.
A heartfelt thank you for enriching the time we spend on the World-Wide Web. |

[12 Mar 00]
We are proud to have the SilverSurfer on such a page as yours...It not only reflects your taste...But also ours..We thank you...Your plaque will be placed under *GOLD* |

[09 Mar 00]
We at are pleased to award you the Psychohelp GOLD award for your website. The Psychohelp award is made to web sites who's intention is to educate the visitor with credit given to good design, decent graphics and easy of navigation. Only one gold award is ever awarded each month and we were so impressed with your site that we were pleased to present you with the GOLD award.
Thank you for allowing us the pleasure of visiting your website. The Psychohelp Award for Website Education is a 4.0 rated award |

[07 Mar 00]
I suppose you earned this award in your unique, and unabashedly frank way. I'm sure lots more people would be lining up to agree, or disagree with your views. Your site layout is also rather neat and proper, which makes good, easy surfing.
Keep up the good work. |

[05 Mar 00]
Hi Mark, please accept my BRONZE AWARD for your efforts. I liked your site and hope I'm the one to put you over 100! |

[04 Mar 00]
Congrats on winning one of the two Silver Excellence Awards for February 2000! Your site is obviously a cut above the rest and deserving of being awarded as one of the top sites in February. |

[01 Mar 00]
- When a web creator reaches his goals,
he is looking back on his work and he feels proud about it. That's the way it should be.
- When a fine web design is presented on the Net after hours of hard work, then it should be awarded.
That's the way it should be.
- So we award this site with the Steliart Productions Cool Site Award, for a job well done.
The Cool Site Award is issued to sites with good quality and that we consider as Cool Sites. Your site is an enhancement to the Internet Community and a result of hard work in general. As we do not award sites less than that, this recognition to you is for achieving a job Well Done. Congratulations! |

[09 Feb 00]
Congratulations!! You have just received the Critical Depth Honorable Mention Award. We have both enjoyed surfing your site and found it to be a
worthy enterprise. |

[08 Feb 00]
It is my pleasure to inform you that your site, Night Owl Mk. II, has been reviewed by our panel of judges with an average final score of 83 points. Congratulations!! This earns your site a Silver Award of Excellence from The Keep at 3moons Castle.
Again, Congratulations!! All of our judges enjoyed your site very much and returned with comments such as "I took a lunch with me - the place is huge!" "Nice site with a lot of interesting content." "I took 2 days going through it - well a lot of it...."
You have created an oasis of thought that I will return to again and again. Thank you. |

[29 Jan 00]
I am happy to congratulate you for winning this prestigious award: "Artis Hot Site Award". This award is given to an high temperament, active and interesting web site. |

[27 Jan 00]
I surfed your web site today and found it worthy of being considered an "Arete Wave of a Site". I consider your site a joy to surf and feel that it would be well worth the time for fellow internet surfers to "catch"; therefore, I am bestowing upon you my humble award. |

[26 Jan 00]
Congratulations for being chosen as a winner of Circus World's award. After careful consideration I have decided to present your website, Night Owl Mk. II, Circus World's Silver award. I have spent considerable amount of my time reviewing your site.
I think you have a very uniquely designed website, and it was fun to explore. The content was very interesting. You have done a wonderful job in creating Night Owl Mk. II. |

[25 Jan 00]
I am pleased to inform you that, after a thorough evaluation of all aspects your site is selected to win my Prestigious Award. Again, CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the good work! |

[24 Jan 00]
Congratulations, you have won the Nem5 Cool Site Award. Thanks so much for helping to make our internet community a more wonderful place to be. Once again, congratulations and thank you for the opportunity of judging your site. I truly enjoyed it. |

[22 Jan 00]
The "agrave; voir de suite" has been selected as one of the World's Top Awards!

[15 Jan 00]
Your site is a wonderful site and it was a pleasure to present you this award for a job well done. It was a wonderful site and should be viewed and visited by as many people as you want. Have a good day and congratulations again on such a wonderful site. |

[15 Jan 00]
Congratulations! I have visited your web site and found it to meet the criteria of our Hawk award. You now qualify for our Bald Eagle Award, which is given out to the best site of the week. After that, the Golden Eagle Award for the month's best site. So, good luck! |

[11 Jan 00]
We went out to your site like you asked and found it to be an excellent representative of our award. As a result, we would like to honor you with the Great Achievement Award.
We found your site to be full of useful content, easy to navigate and had quite an impression on us! You have definitely created a Great Site!
Your Score out of 30 possible:
Diane - Impression: 7
Ray - Navigation: 9
Chris - Content : 10
Points = 26 Grade = B+

[08 Jan 00]
Your site is one of the winners of the Jewel of the Web Award! You managed to reach the second highest level, the Emerald award. Good job and keep up the good work :) |

[03 Jan 00]
Your website has won the StarSaber Award. My compliments on a job well done! |

[01 Jan 00]
Congratulations! Your site definitely qualifies for the Sinapsis Award for an Intellectual Attitude.
A very nice site, your content is presented well and easy to access.
A worthy enterprise and a intellectual attitude. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting place to visit. |

[31 Dec 99]
Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good design, clever original graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web.
Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits :)

[26 Dec 99]
Millennium Design is pleased to present your site with its Choice award. As a winner your site is now listed in our Hall of Fame. Additionally your site now qualifies for one of our four month end awards. Great job!

[21 Dec 99]
Congratulations! Your site has won the Certified Silver Site Award from the PeaceWork Group.
You scored 270 points. Here's how it breaks down:
Content - 58 points
Aesthetics - 62 points
Navigation - 75 points
Bonus - 75 points

[15 Dec 99]
Congratulations! You have won the SILVER award from Dennis Bergkamp Net. In reviewing your site I have found it to be entertaining, informative and well presented. You should be very proud of making the web a better place.
(Additional info: Bergkamp has been voted as the 3rd best soccer player in the world behind only Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos. His site is a MUST SEE for soccer fans!)

[12 Dec 99]
I have reviewed your site and found it to be an Outstanding Website meeting all General and Technical Criteria as stated within my Awards Program. Thanks for sharing a great site!

[05 Dec 99]
I've just been visiting your web site, and, while I haven't had time to visit *all* of the pages (it is quite an expansive site), I've truly enjoyed my visit. In fact, I even feel compelled to join in on some of the debates. I no doubt highly value the rhetorical-dialogal nature of your site. The interactive nature is wonderful, and it is great that you have managed to compel people to make so many replies. Part of it, I think, is the user-friendliness of your site. On the other hand, I think your straight-forward and accessible writing style presents your rather well-reasoned and status-quo challenging opinions in a way that invites a response. It is easy to navigate and well-organized, not to mention aesthetically pleasing. So, nice job, Mark. I'm more than happy to offer you the Mythos & Logos Award for web site excellence.
Created with Allaire HomeSite 4.5 .......... Last Update: 15 Oct 00