Last Update: 05 Feb 00


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What is so special about AIDS? Now, before somebody goes ballistic over how "uncaring" that question might sound, take a moment to examine it.
    AIDS is not the most common disease in the world, it is not the easiest to contract, it is nowhere near the leading single cause of death, nor is it the foremost sexually-transmitted disease. It is not the only disease that is almost always fatal, it is not the one with the most brutal symptoms, and is certainly not the only one that can be contracted by an "innocent" victim.
    Therefore, I ask again -- what is so special about AIDS? I think that the answer is pretty clear. It is a disease that primarily affects members of a very vocal and well-funded special-interest group and is largely associated with the sexual activities that are most prevalent among members of that group -- homosexual men.
    Every year, more people die of cancer than the sum total of those who have ever died from AIDS. Yet, the efforts of the aforementioned group have succeeded in getting more money spent per year on AIDS research than on cancer research. Does that make any sense? People are encouraged to observe "World AIDS Day" and the AIDS quilt travels all over creation. I wonder how many of the people who make a great hue and cry at these events have lost loved ones to cancer? Why aren't they promoting "World Cancer Day" or stitching together a Cancer Quilt?
    The promoters of "AIDS Awareness" always speak of the disease as an "epidemic". This would seem, at best, to be rather exaggerated. The number of cases certainly doesn't warrant that tag, nor does the realization that the primary causes of the spread of AIDS are voluntary actions undertaken in the name of "lifestyle choices". It has been shown that a significant percentage of the group most likely at risk for contracting AIDS will not take even cursory measures to try to protect themselves. Yet, they feel justified in lobbying the government to throw even more money into "finding a cure". Maybe part of this is the classic liberal "reasoning" that says that you can go ahead and do whatever you want and the government will be there to "fix it" when things go wrong.
    Nobody deserves to be stricken with AIDS (or any other debilitating disease). But, let's face it, refusing to protect yourself and then blaming the government after you contract AIDS is about as ridiculous as smoking all your life and then suing a tobacco company after you get lung cancer. As with all things in life, if you choose to take the risks, you must accept the possible consequences.
    So, what's so special about AIDS? The only honest, objective answer would seem to be -- nothing.

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